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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Andrea Norman Photography {Rexburg, Idaho, Newborn Photographer}

I am so behind on my blog.  
Can I use the excuse that I have 6 very busy children from the ages of 1 to 15?
And have had 2 more ER visits for 2 different kids since my last post!
That is 4 ER visits for 4 different kids in 6 months...3 of them serious head/neck injuries.
Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you have 5 boys.
Enough of my whining, let's see some pics from some of my latest sessions...

First up, Newborns.
Love these little squishies.

Can you tell his Dad hunts?

Baby feet are my favorite.
"Please lady, just get out of my face and let me sleep!"

And then, there was this cute little man...

And another little heart-breaker...

And this sweet little princess...

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